Flemington School Behaviour Plan
The Behaviour Plan below was reviewed and updated in 2023 in conjunction with the parents / caregivers, board, support agencies and staff. This was part of the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) Tier 1 work that was undertaken with the support of the ministry. It has helped to give more structure to the ground work that had been in place since 2014. There is a great atmosphere and culture around school where learning how to do things better is the norm regardless of whether the context is academic learning, social interactions or managing our behaviour.
The philosophy of managing behaviour is very much around supporting the children in learning the skills, knowledge, language and attitudes that will help them become better children, young people and adults who can manage their own behaviour so the best outcomes are reached, for all concerned.
This plan is based on a the PB4L and Restorative philosophies rather that the Punitive approach to managing children's behaviour. It does have consequences and but with reflection and learning running alongside of it.
The school does not accept any form of bullying or any anti-social behaviour- the long term goal is to help all children become better people and be able to contribute to a great environment.