

This is a system whereby parents are invoiced at the end of each term for actual costs that have occurred during the term. This saves the children having to frequently bring small amounts of change to school. Parents are informed upon entry of how this process works - Refer to page 2 for Internet Banking details.

The Year 7 & 8 students also have a technology fee which is charged by Waipawa School for the technology programme they run for all CHB primary schools.

Some families/whanau run an regular automatic payment for their children/tamariki and for those families at the end of the year, or upon withdrawal, parents are supplied with a balance sheet and issued with a credit for the next year if returning the following year or refunded any moneys owing of leaving the school.

Items paid for in this manner include school stationery and other items such as head phones, school day trip costs, visiting performer charges, uniform and Saturday morning team fees. Camp payments may be done through this process as well.